Project Description

Large-Scale Development / Major Urban Projects
Mr. Lynch oversaw the preparation of all environmental documentation for the Waterfront at Port Chester, a comprehensive waterfront and downtown revitalization project recently completed in the Village of Port Chester in Westchester County (pictured above). In addition to the environmental and coastal consistency review undertaken by the Village and the developer, the project involved urban renewal and eminent domain and meetings with local business leaders regarding relocation, business preservation and business operations during construction.
Mr. Lynch oversaw the preparation of environmental documentation for IKEA’s planned store along Interstate 95 in the City of New Rochelle, also in Westchester County. In addition to gauging the land use and socioeconomic effects of this large-scale construction and development project, Mr. Lynch located relocation options for the many operating commercial concerns within the project’s acquisition area. He also prepared a market study detailing the market for home furnishings in the New York and Connecticut portions of the I-95 corridor and gauged the potential for adverse effects on area retailers.
Mr. Lynch assisted the City of Yonkers with a Federally-required environmental assessment of its affordable housing plan. This was done as part of the City’s Fair Housing obligations after a court-ordered desegregation settlement. Prior to that Mr. Lynch oversaw preparation of the environmental documentation for a major redevelopment plan in Yonkers.
Mr. Lynch is currently assisting the City of Peekskill with the environmental review of programmatic and facility changes for its Fire Department.