Project Description

Karta Recycling Facility
Mr. Lynch oversaw the preparation of environmental and planning documentation for several major industrial development and redevelopment projects in the City of Peekskill including 9 Corporate Drive, Karta Recycling and White Plains Linen.
Each project presented unique circumstances.
Karta Recycling: This project site along US Route 9 is situated in an older industrial area. The facility primarily processed construction and demolition debris; it often operated outside of typical business operating hours. The facility sat at an elevation that allowed clear views from the adjacent highway and residential neighborhoods to the north. Dust, odors and other emissions from the facility proper were causing a nuisance for neighbors upwind, and health and safety issues were a major source of friction between the site’s operator(s), neighbors and the City, particularly after injuries and deaths at the facility.
The City was interested in securing the entire site for redevelopment, and moving the operations to a nearby site. This nearby site would offer an opportunity to enclose most operations and would allow for railroad transportation. The facility was operated by several related operators each of which had secured differing authority to accept wastes from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.
Mr. Lynch provided testimony regarding the operation and its environmental effects, and oversaw planning that resulted in satisfactory resolution of safety, health and environmental issues as the facility continued to operate. Mr. Lynch oversaw an interim proposal to subdivide the existing site, and the planning processes for the new facility which involved extensive remediation for noise, visual appearance and truck routing and logistics. Mr. Lynch also assisted the City with redevelopment plans for the site as part of its larger waterfront redevelopment project.