Project Description

Riverbend Residential Development
The first of several projects in the City of Peekskill, Riverbend was an ingenious approach to reusing former institutional lands while allowing the institutional user to remain and grow. The Sisters of Saint Francis had operated an orphanage for many years on the property. By the early 1980’s the orphanage and its school buildings and dormitories had closed. Some of the buildings had been razed but several remained, some of which had distinct historic character. The Sisters of Saint Francis wished to retain their convent as well as an assisted living facility and related buildings and to continue to operate at the site.
The Riverbend development presented a challenge in that activities between the two uses would be in close proximity but would need to be segregated. In addition, the site was in a highly scenic area directly visible from US Route 9 and also from the Hudson Line of the Metro North Railroad. Drainage at the rocky site also presented design issues as it was the intention to maintain the majority of the site in its undisturbed vegetated state. Finally the proposed tenure of the units presented potential issues.
Mr. Lynch prepared the environmental documentation for the clustered layout as the project underwent its initial SEQRA review. In addition he assisted the City of Peekskill with developing the final approvals for the project, with subsequent site plan amendments, and to assure the equitable resolution of final work that needed to be completed prior to the release of escrow moneys.